Due to the inclement weather conditions, Shepherd ISD after school activities for today have been cancelled. However, the Varsity Girls and Boys basketball games will continue as scheduled. Please make sure to drive safely if you plan to attend the basketball games, and stay tuned for any further updates. Debido a las inclemencias del tiempo, las actividades después de la escuela de Shepherd ISD para hoy han sido canceladas. Sin embargo, los juegos de baloncesto Varsity Girls and Boys continuarán según lo programado. Por favor, asegúrese de conducir de forma segura si planea asistir a los juegos de baloncesto, y manténgase atento a cualquier actualización adicional.
about 1 year ago, Shepherd ISD
Shepherd ISD Weather Update: We are currently monitoring the weather situation as we continue to see the potential for flooding. If there is to be any impact to your child's bus route, the transportation department will communicate directly with you. At this time, we do not anticipate any changes to the regular dismissal schedulShepherd ISD Weather Update: We are currently monitoring the weather situation as we continue to see the potential for flooding. If there is to be any impact to your child's bus route, the transportation department will communicate directly with you. At this time, we do not anticipate any changes to the regular dismissal schedule and we will keep you informed if changes occur.
about 1 year ago, Shepherd ISD
Save the date and join us for a SPECIAL EDITION of the State of Shepherd! Communication is key, and we believe that involving parents and the broader school community helps to create a seamless and transparent communication network within our district. Dr. Hewitt will outline the methods and strategies within our school district's communication plan and share how we are continuously working to improve how we communicate information among all school stakeholders. 📆 Date: Tuesday, January 16th 🕕 Time: 6:00 PM 🏫 Location: Facebook LIVE ¡Guarde la fecha y acompáñenos para una EDICIÓN ESPECIAL del Estado de Shepherd! La comunicación es clave, y creemos que involucrar a los padres y a la comunidad escolar en general ayuda a crear una red de comunicación transparente dentro de nuestro distrito. Dr. Hewitt describe los métodos y estrategias dentro del plan de comunicación de nuestro distrito escolar y compartirá cómo estamos trabajando continuamente para mejorar la forma en que comunicamos la información entre todos los interesados de la escuela. 📆 Fecha: Martes 16 de enero 🕕 Hora: 6:00 PM 🏫 Ubicación: Facebook LIVE
about 1 year ago, Shepherd ISD
State of Shepherd
This is a special occasion for us to collectively express our heartfelt appreciation to the devoted police officers who selflessly serve our schools and broader community. Let us unite to show our gratitude to these dedicated individuals who work diligently to protect and serve us.
about 1 year ago, Shepherd ISD
National Law Enforcement Appreation Day
This is a reminder that we will be testing next week. Please remember to bring your charged Chromebooks to school during the week.
over 1 year ago, Shepherd ISD
laptop on desk