Shepherd ISD Police Department

Mission Statement

The mission of the Shepherd ISD Police Department is to ensure the safety of our students, staff, and families. In order to learn, students need a safe environment where they can both study and be educated. Likewise, teachers and staff need a secure environment to teach and work in. The Police Department's mission is to provide this through the equal and just enforcement of all city, county, and state laws. It is our hope to promote and maintain an atmosphere of trust and confidence with students, staff, and families in our community.

All officers working for Shepherd ISD are licensed through the Texas Commission of Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education.

Racial profiling concerns and information can be received from the Chief of Police Office at Shepherd High School or through the TCLEOSE website.

Compliments and/or complaints about any and all police officers working for Shepherd ISD should be made in writing, signed, and presented to Chief Sparks who is housed at Shepherd Middle School.

Chief Sparks

J.K. Sparks : Chief of Police

Contact Information:
Work 936-628-3377
Cell    (281) 236-4545
Email: J.K. Sparks